Unleash your voice to the world's ears

Unlock the potential of your YouTube channel with VidLingo. Reach a global audience effortlessly, expressing your creativity in all languages of the world.

Offer engaging and high-quality videos in multiple languages, while our team takes care of everything.

Immagine di copertina della pagina. Rappresenta una scena onirica e futuristica con un microfono grande in primo piano, con lo sfondo composto da vari simboli che rappresentano ViLingo come bandiere ecc. Immagine di copertina della pagina. Rappresenta una scena onirica e futuristica con un microfono grande in primo piano, con lo sfondo composto da vari simboli che rappresentano ViLingo come bandiere ecc.


Il nostro obiettivo è aiutare i creatori di contenuti a espandere la propria audience a livello globale.

Con la nostra piattaforma di traduzione video, puoi raggiungere un pubblico internazionale e far conoscere il tuo messaggio in tutto il mondo.
Siamo qui per eliminare le barriere linguistiche e rendere la tua voce accessibile a tutti."

Call to Action

What can we do for you?

VidLingo provides you with a comprehensive service for translating, adapting, and editing your YouTube videos.
We take care of the entire process professionally and accurately, allowing you to reach a global audience without having to tackle the challenges of translation and linguistic adaptation on your own.

The benefits for you

Expand your global audience

With VidLingo, you'll have the opportunity to connect with viewers from all around the world and expand your fan base effortlessly.
Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your global presence and build a community of passionate fans from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Maximize your earnings

Thanks to our profit-sharing model, you will receive a percentage of the earnings generated from localized channels in different languages.
This means that, without lifting a finger, you can have an additional source of income while our team takes care of translating and adapting your videos!

Professionals at your service

You can rely on a team of expert professionals dedicated to providing you with high-quality results.
Our translators, voice actors, and video editors are highly skilled in their respective fields and will ensure that your videos are accurately translated, authentically dubbed, and flawlessly edited.

Our teams


Our team of translators consists of highly skilled professionals in the field of translation.
Each team member is a native speaker in the language they translate or has achieved a C2 level of proficiency, ensuring in-depth knowledge and impeccable linguistic mastery. Additionally, all our translators have at least a C1 level of English proficiency.


Our team of voice-over artists consists of experienced professionals in the industry. They are ready to bring your voice as a YouTuber to life in an engaging and authentic manner.
You can choose the voice actor that best suits your style and message, ensuring a personalized and high-quality result.

Video editing

Our video editors create an engaging and authentic visual result by combining the translated voiceover with the original video, along with sound effects and music.

Quality control

Our quality control team ensures that the videos are of high quality and tailored to different target cultures.
They meticulously verify the accuracy of translations and localizations to deliver an authentic and engaging experience for the target audience.

Outsourcing is the right path


  • Find a reliable native translator
  • Search for a suitable voice actor for dubbing
  • Hire a video editor who is proficient in both your language and the target language
  • Involve an external native speaker of the target language to verify the quality of the adaptation
  • Pay all these professionals even if the translated channel doesn't generate revenue initially.
  • Continuously manage the work of these professionals to ensure quick and effective collaboration
  • Eventually, you may need to find new translators, voice actors, and video editors when the initial ones become tired or leave
  • Every time you want to translate your channel into a new language, repeat all these steps

With VidLingo

  • Grant us the rights to translate your videos
  • Choose your preferred voice actor from our team of collaborators
  • Sit back and wait while we produce the first set of videos without any effort on your part
  • Enjoy a share of the profits effortlessly

How we work

Translation and Adaptation

Your video is carefully translated into different languages, adapting the text to ensure a smooth and understandable experience for the audience of each language.

Professional Dubbing

For each language in which you translate your videos, a native-speaking voice-over artist from our team takes the translated script and performs the voice-over, following your style and conveying the intended message.

Video Editing

For each language, our video editor synchronizes the translated audio with the lip movements in the video as much as possible. They also remove any legally non-publishable parts from the video, such as previous sponsors or content not understandable in the local culture.

Description and Hashtags Translation

The description and hashtags of the video for each language are translated and adapted to optimize its visibility in different languages.

Quality Control

Once the translated video is ready, we have it reviewed by an external individual from the target culture who can assess the adaptation and translation to ensure a perfect result. Additionally, you will also have the opportunity to preview the video and provide feedback.


Each video translated into a language will be uploaded to the connected channel. On a monthly basis, you will receive 25% of the earnings from that video and all others already uploaded, effortlessly!

Let's split the profits


just for you

To produce your videos translated into multiple languages, we need to pay many professionals: translators, voice actors, editors.
Instead of asking you for money for each translated video, we have chosen to work on a percentage basis. We will keep 75% of the earnings from all channels, considering all the work involved, while you will keep 25% effortlessly.

Why we do it

Through this system, we are always incentivized to work correctly, with the utmost professionalism and quality, so that the channels we manage can grow rapidly.
On the other hand, you will have no expenses but will simply receive the earnings as soon as the channels reach monetization.


  • Which languages can I translate my videos into?

    From English, we primarily translate videos into Spanish. In addition to Spanish, we can also translate into other languages such as Portuguese, French, or Italian, but the translation into these languages will be considered based on the performance of your channel.

  • Why should I trust VidLingo?

    Our earnings are solely dependent on the results of the YouTube channels we manage. This compels us to work our best to grow the channels as quickly as possible.

  • Will my content be protected?

    Absolutely. Before collaborating, we will sign a contract for the rights transfer of your videos solely for translation purposes. There will be clauses to protect you in case of misuse of the content. We aim to establish a long-lasting and professional collaboration, so we are ready to provide you with all the necessary guarantees.

  • How will the payment be processed?

    Your payments will be processed on the first day of each month and will amount to 25% of the total earnings from the channels we manage. You will receive payment via PayPal or bank transfer.

  • Can I choose the voice actor for each language in which my videos will be translated?

    Certainly. We will provide you with a one-minute demo of your video translated and dubbed by our top voice actors. This way, you can choose the voice actor you prefer for each language by seeing them in action directly on your own video.

  • Will you be transparent?

    Transparency is a priority for us when it comes to you. You will be a partner in every channel we manage, allowing you to see the statistics and earnings for yourself. Additionally, before publishing each video, we will send it to you so that you can judge it and provide us with your feedback.

  • How many videos will you produce per week?

    In order to have active channels that grow quickly, we will initially publish 2 videos per week, with exceptions in special cases.

  • Will all of my videos be translated?

    Our goal is to provide relevant and valuable content to foreign users. We do not translate all of your videos, but carefully select those with a broad global appeal. If a video focuses on local topics or is of little interest to an international audience, it will not be translated. Additionally, if a video addresses both global and local themes, we will remove the irrelevant or incomprehensible parts for users from different cultures, based on the judgment of our local adaptation experts.

  • Let's start collaborating!

    Are you ready to collaborate with VidLingo?
    Then send us an email with a brief introduction of your channel.
    Don't miss this opportunity: we're waiting for you!

    Contact us now
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